Question : Problem: Affordable Synchronization between windows servers using SFTP

Hi There,

I'm looking for a product I can use to synchronize directories between two Windows servers, with only changed files being updated on a regular basis that is affordable (say $300 max).

Any recommendations much appreciated!

Best Wishes,

Answer : Problem: Affordable Synchronization between windows servers using SFTP

There area a number of very inexpensive options that may work depending on the level of syncronization you need.


MirrorFolder - it integrates into the OS and runs similar to a RAID 1 mirror to local or network drives.

Second Copy,

You probably would want to look at these before going for anything higher end,  all are easy to use and quite inexpensive (under $40).  The real good thing is they work for server or workstation systems,  so you do not get stuck with having to pay a lot more for something to operate on a server OS.   The all have free trials as well.

If you can live with a sync that is done ever few minutes or just on scheduled times the above would do but there is also Robocopy which is free.

Robocopy (free),  copy utility that can be set up to make mirror copies of whole directory structures.  Command line utility so no pretty GUI interface.  By running it periodically you can do something similar to the above programs.

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