Question : Problem: ARCServe 11.5 shows Inaccessible File System Device

We use ARCServe 11.5 SP3 on Windows 2003 SP1 and just put in a shiney new SNAP 410 1TB Network Storage Device.

Problem is, when I configure the File System Device in ARCSever is tells me Inaccessible File System Device.

I just spent over an hour on the phone with Computer Associates who didn't even know that you had to use UNC paths on a Windows 2003 server, not mapped drives.  So, needless to say they were of NO help other than to tell me to apply SP3 (was at SP2) and "see what happens".  They were of the opinion that it was a SNAP server issue however when I create an FSD that links to a Windows 2003 server, it behaves the same way.

So, that being said, I can access the SNAP server via Windows Explorer... I have turned off ALL security on the SNAP server and it still won't work.  It seems that either ARCServe does not work as advertised -- OR, the more likely thing, I am missing something very simple here that the tech did not pick up either.

Anyone have any suggestions?  I've gone through it step by step... I've tried it with the Brightstore Service Account and with domain login credentials.

Answer : Problem: ARCServe 11.5 shows Inaccessible File System Device

Sorry but I also do not have a solid idea on why it is happening but here are some thoughts on it that might help.

At what point during the File System Devices Configuration does the error happen?
Stupid Question (but hey) have you tried using security information in the format of DomainName\UserName?
Here is another one, is the target system a member of that domain?
Have you tried using a user account that is local to the Snap server?
As a test try configuring a directory on the local system as a FSD to see if that works.
As a test see if a backup of something on the Snap server works.
For what it is worth, I've worked with a number of others using a Snap server for a FSD and did not have this type of problem other than simple security info incorrect type of thing.
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