Question : Problem: sync folders with 2 USB HardDrive?

I need to sync 3 folders on my pc with 2 USB Harddrive, i was referred to use synctoy , it works GREAT for one external drive, but not with 2 this is how i intend to use it

Work PC ---> Sync with HD 1
4:30 PM ---> Taken HD 1 HOME  and plug HD 2
HD 2 now needs to be sync with work PC
next day,
take HD 2 home and plug HD 1 back ...

Problem i face with synctoy is , if a file on HD 1 was last modified 24/Apr/2007 and synctoy did a sync with HD 2 on 25/Apr/2007 , when you connect HD 1 on 26 . Apr , it does NOT update the HD1 file because it thinks the file hasnt changed ...

i guess what i am looking for "ALWAYS" check for file changes between 2 media regardless when the last sync was !

Answer : Problem: sync folders with 2 USB HardDrive?

We do something similar with a server that stores all the server images.

We have 5 external hardisks Monday - Friday.

We use robocopy to do the syncing.

if you use the /MIR switch it creates an exact mirror of your source on your target.

Only copies what has changed.

Deletes files on the target that are no longer on the source.

Many other options within Robocopy for syncing if you want something different.

and it's free
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