Question : Problem: Computer Boots to Black Screen on First Boot

When I initially boot up my computer, I just get a black screen. When I reboot, I have to go to safe mode, then it reboots normally.
It is an Athlon 1800XP, 512DDR Ram, and a Shuttle AK31 motherboard with an ATI All in Wonder 128 video card. I replaced the motherboard and tested it with another video card and I still have the same problem. When I replaced the motherboard, it booted properly for 2 days, then started again.
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide,

Answer : Problem: Computer Boots to Black Screen on First Boot

Those pages have the updates for the BIOS, there is one:

".Don't need to check warm boot flag before calling" that sounds kind of likely.

You can download the BIOS updates from:

You'll need to know the revision number of your AK31 (v1.x, 2.x, 3.x) which hopefully is on the manual, or on the board itself (probably near the PCI slots, or between them printed on the board).  Some of these updates for the board also say they improve/provide AthlonXP compatability.

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