Question : Problem: Xerox M45 as default causing crashes

We just installed a Xerox M45 Workcenter printer on our network to replace an older Document Center 230ST. With the M45 set as default, we are getting crashes both when printing, and when copying from Outlook Express to another application (custom insurance program using Crystal reports). Often it crashes before you get a chance to select the printer. Usual fault is Fatal Exception 0D, but not the only one. With default set to any other printer we appear to be OK and can even print to the M45 without failure. We have tried printing to Xerox TCPIP port both raw and LP, as well as using windows print services. It is not a totally reproduceable error where I can say "if I do this, it will crash" but I CAN say "If the M45 is NOT default, we get a WHOLE LOT better chance of no crashes (none so far)"

What can be causing this - and more important, what is the solution? Other than having to manually select this printer in order to use it (which is not acceptable)
We are using the latest drivers from Xerox on these machines, both Win98SE and XP Pro (XP Pro seams to be more resistant, but only one machine defaulted to this printer) and the latest firmware has been installed on the printer.

Working with Xerox on this, but getting nowhere.

Answer : Problem: Xerox M45 as default causing crashes

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