Question : Problem: New PC don't Recognize Blackberry device

Hello All,

I am trying to install a blackberry on a new laptop, the blackberry is coming from another laptop which it was installed and working.

I installed the blackberry desktop management software on the new pc, thinking that it would tell me to plug in the blackberry at some point, which it didnt. so after the install was done, I plugged in the blackberry to the usb cable.  It recognized a usb mass storage device, but that was all.

The BB device manager show no devices,  I enabled the usb over comm. ports, still nothing.

I assume (a bad thing I know) that the device knows it is installed on the other computer and will not set itself up on a different computer.

My question is, is there any way to install the BB on the new computer without wiping it out?

Answer : Problem: New PC don't Recognize Blackberry device

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