Question : Problem: Citrix Farm dropping connections
I have a Citrix farm that started dropping connections. The only thing that changed where the updates that Microsoft put out on the 13th. Is there a way to troubleshoot dropped connections?
Answer : Problem: Citrix Farm dropping connections
You said NICs, like plural? Why are you multi-homing a server that takes about 50k of bandwidth per user? One 1Gbps link is all you should need. Fault tolerance happens naturally when you have many servers in your farm. I never recommend teaming; you chew up more switchports and introduce easy ways to have networking problems. This is not a SQL server...even then...clustering is better HA IMO...anyway, that might not even be what's going on. If you do have more than one NIC in use on the same subnet then I bet you Spanning Tree is putting you into a blocking state. That would explain the up and down.