Question : Problem: Simple PIC circuit. LED Flash program

I am trying to set up a simple circuit that flashes a light using a PIC16F627 (print screen 1). This is my first project and is really my hello world program.
The program itself runs ok on my velleman test board but I have tried to set up my own circuit and believe that is where I am failing .
I have tried removing the led from the circuit and replacing it with a multimeter which shows the voltage go from 4.5v down to zero but as soon as I replace this with the led it stays on constantly.
Please see print screen 3 for the set up of my circuit.
I would be very grateful if someone could provide some assistance as there is probably something that I am fundamentally doing wrong.
I was going to upload a photo of my circuit but its too big. Please let me know if this would be useful.

Answer : Problem: Simple PIC circuit. LED Flash program

i think you should put a driver transistor on the output of the chip, to supply the current for the LED
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