Question : Problem: Embeded PDF and z-index

I have a menu that opens either videos or pdfs into an iframe. It is a very user friendly way of helping my users go through out content and the videos pertaining to the content. The only problem is that when I embed a pdf file it covers the drop down menus to navigate to other docs.

This is my page structure

************************drop down menu*************************


    _____________video or pdf embeded___________

I need to figure out a way to get the drop down to appear over the pdf. I have gone through all the work arounds in the search engines. There is one to make it hide the pdf when being moused over, I cannot allow that one.

I have tried the classic approach of how to do this with flash (setting wmode to transparent), and it doesn't work for PDFs.

Please help! Thank you very much.

Here is my embed code for the PDF:
Code Snippet:


Open in New Window Select All

Answer : Problem: Embeded PDF and z-index

The problem is legacy version of IE give iframes a z-index of infinity.  The only way to truly solve this problem is to place an iframe on top of an iframe, so it has a z-index of infinity plus one.  The menu code has to be BELOW the other code or has to be parsed with JavaScript after the other iframe was rendered.

->>  I can't do it from an iframe as a drop menu can't drop outside of the iframe's boundaries

Actually, you can.  Look for a drop down menu with IE5 support, and it should do the trick.  Here is an example:
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