Question : Problem: Mac laptop won't connect to WEP?

Have a Mac laptop. The wireless network is WEP (AT&T 2wire router). All other laptops connect to the wireless fine with the WEP password. The mac laptop acts like it is connected but never even asks for the password. Never gets an IP address. I tried going in to the network settings for the connection and setting the authenticaiton to WEP and then entered the password (both with and without the $) and it didn't help. Everytime I go back to the settings the authentication is reset to "none'. I tried removing the connection from the preferred network list in an attempt to force it to ask me for a password when I connect but it won't. The laptop connects to unsecured networks fine. Even if the authetication on the connection is set to none, it will say conntected if you select the connection from the wifi network list. Shouldn't it pop up and tell me it is a WEP connection?

1.) How can I get the connection to ask me for a password again?
2.) I have heard other people mention that it is better to use the actual hex key and not a password phrase, but there is no hex key listed in my router settings.

Answer : Problem: Mac laptop won't connect to WEP?

1.) You could try going into keychain Access. Look for the network name (it's kind will be "Airport network password") delete that and the network should prompt you for a password again.

2.) I've had troubles getting machines running Leopard to connect to a WEP network without the hex password. Unfortunately I'm not familiar with the AT & T router in question so I won't be much use there... can you switch it over to WPA? Leopard connects very well with that & it's far more secure.
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