Question : Problem: how large an SD card can a Palm Tungsten E2 read?

Hi Experts!
I have a Palm Tungsten E2 and right now i have a 1Gb SD card in it, which works fine. I'd like to splurge and buy a bigger one to hold more songs, etc; BUT i want to make sure beforehand that there won't be problems. I've seen SD cards out there with 4 or even 8 GB's, and am concerned that whatever Palm is using (FAT or FAT32?), might have problems reading something that big.

Has anyone used a card that large?
Does anyone know what the actual limit is?
Does anyone know what Palm uses (i'm guessing it's not NTFS :)

Answer : Problem: how large an SD card can a Palm Tungsten E2 read?

1 GB is max what its adv to support. These gadgets use the fat system usually.
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