Question : Problem: iTunes has stopped updating this podcast because you have not listened to any episodes recently

I am running iTunes on Windows XP.  When I have not listened to a PodCast in a couple weeks I get the following error message:

"iTunes has stopped updating this podcast because you have not listened to any episodes recently."

This is terribly annoying and I am unaware of any solution for Windows XP to remove this warning and continue to automatically download my PodCasts no matter how long it has been since I have listened to them.

There is apprently a solution on the Mac OS called "CastAway" which apparently fixes this problem, but I'm looking for a Windows XP solution.

Answer : Problem: iTunes has stopped updating this podcast because you have not listened to any episodes recently

So far Apple just seems to be fine with that "feature."  I haven't seen an official "it isn't a bug" but that seems to be the attitude.

My suggestion would be to look at a third party program that won't have the issue and can download the podcasts.  One popular one that will work on Windows is Juice (  From what I understand it will still put them in your iTunes folder so you should be able to continue to use iTunes as you have in the past, except for getting the podcasts.

Let me know how this helps or if you have a question.

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