Question : Problem: ASUS and AMD problems

Processor:  AMD 64 5200 AM2 X2
Motherboard ASUS M2N4-SLI
vid card       ATI X1800 XT 512 Crossfire
Mem             4 GB DDR2 6400 at 800 mhz
OS               Vista Ultimate 64 bit

OK,this setup works flawlessly.  I had to do a little research to find drivers, etc, but all is well.
Problem.  I am trying to upgrade to the AMD 64 5600 AM2 X2 processor.  I am running the lates stable bios version 0901.  This is the lates non-beta bios from ASUS website for this motherboard.  Supposedly this processor was supported on this motherboard after BIOS rev 0701.  Again, this is off ASUS website.  So, I flashed the BIOS to version 0901, and all was well with the 5200 chip.  I swapped the chip with the 5600 and thats where the problems started.  After booting numerous times, I found that mostly all I would get was a series of 3 beeps, then a pause, then 3 more beeps.  
      On occasion, maybe 2 out of 5 tries, I would get the post.  The proc will show up correctly, memory test will pass, and thats where it all stops.  It says to hit del to enter setup.  If I hit del, the screen goes blank and thats all that happens.  

      If I get the beeps, it will do the cycle of 3 beeps several times, then just reboot and start over.  If it posts and I do not hit the del key to enter setup, then it just hangs at the ASUS splash screen.

I RMA'd the processor and the tech checked everything and it posts on his system.  No problems.  Should I just RMA the board and be without my pc for days/weeks.  Or is there a workaround.
        After all this BIOS updating,m the 5200 chip still works perfectly, but this 5600 chip will not.  

Answer : Problem: ASUS and AMD problems

Initially I would revert back to the previous BIOS revision to see if that resolves the 'hanging'. If so, then it was the flash that did it. If not, then there is most likely a fault on the board. Hopefully you backed up your original BIOS when you updated...?!?

If you step back to the original and it works, try flashing with a revision pre 0901 but post 0701. I haven't looked on the site to see if one exists but i'm sure one does.

3 beeps normally (depending on BIOS manufacturer) points to RAM and or GFX. Make sure that your memory, CPU and graphics card are all seated properly. It may be worth removing them completely from the socket (air dusting socket if possible - don't invert can) and replacing them making sure they sit securely!
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