Question : Problem: PalmOS Treo 755p HotSync Issues

I am assisting another person who is having issues with his Treo 755p and the HotSync program.  He is a doctor and uses the Treo along with a line of programs called "Agendus" to run his calendar, to do list (tasks), and contacts for his personal practice.  He expressed a desire to connect to his work's Exchange server so that he could also keep his professional contacts, calendar, and tasks up to date on his PDA.

It was a simple process to integrate the Exchange data into his PDA.  The Treo 755p synced up fine with his work Exchange server, but he then lost all functionality at his home computer where he would perform a HotSync for his personal data (calendar, contacts, and tasks).  The HotSync program would run, but it would not sync his local Outlook data with that on his phone as it had been previously.

I realize that we introduced the problem by integrating his work Outlook data with his personal data, but I do not know what to do from here.  This is the breakdown of how everything is set up:

- Personal Contacts, Calendar, and Tasks on his Treo 755p are entered and viewed on the Treo through the Agendus program.  The contacts, calendar, and tasks are synced to his personal computer at home via HotSync performed on a cable connection to the computer and are able to be viewed in Outlook on his home computer.  He can also enter the information into Outlook which will then be synced to the PDA.

- Work e-mail, contacts, calendar, and tasks are stored on the Exchange server.  When we added the profile on his Treo, it synced this data into VersaMail and was viewed on the PDA.  The contacts, calendar, and tasks from his home computer (which are synced on the phone) were then imported into Outlook at work.  

At this point in time, his home computer ceased to sync anything with the PDA.  Anything entered into his personal calendar/contacts/tasks on Outlook at his home computer would not sync to the phone, and anything entered into the corresponding fields on the phone would not sync to Outlook on the home computer.  I have removed the work profile from VersaMail completely in hopes that the HotSync program was trying to sync it, but HotSync continues to ignore the calendar/contacts/tasks.

What do I need to do in order to tell HotSync, on his home computer, that it should be syncing the calendar, contacts, and tasks that it had been syncing previously?  At this point in time, I just want to get things back to the way they were before I added the work profile.


Conversely, if there is a better method to sync both "home" and "work" contacts/calendar/tasks into one central location, I am open to trying that.  Ideally, we would be able to sync his PDA with both locations, and if we have to start over from the beginning in order to accomplish that, it is acceptable.  Obviously, though, it would be preferential to obtain that functionality more simply.

Answer : Problem: PalmOS Treo 755p HotSync Issues

Evidently the issue lies in using ActiveSync in the VersaMail program.  When doing so, you cannot sync the Calendar in any other method, even a local sync.
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