Question : Problem: Office documents on locked down Terminal Server displaying same author name for all users

So we have a locked down terminal server, and office 2007 is installed.

The admin account that has full access has Office registered under my name.  All other users (around 30) who use office on this terminal server display my name on documents they create or modify, instead of their own username.

I assume this is because the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Common\UserInfo field has my info and somehow it is carrying over from other users.

Is there a way to make it so users can have their own info registered when they are using their own logins?  I think we must have the server locked down in such a way that these users cannot modify a registry entry or something, but I am not sure specifically how to open it up and stay secure.

Answer : Problem: Office documents on locked down Terminal Server displaying same author name for all users



See if this helps:

For the configuration of Office applications for a specific user:

Also, see these (which are installs) but wondering if you missed something "such as the 'Change User /execute' "?

Hope these help!

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