Question : Problem: Intel Pentium IV Standard Heatsink with Gaming Bomb.


i have a 3.2ghz Pentium iv processor with the standard heatsink inside a gaming bomb  case.  

The standard heatsink is sooo unsuitable and i have very high temps on my processor.

I have two questions.

One short term problem.
1. I am trying to remove my heat sink so that I can replace the thermal paste as it is getting awfully hot. I have unclipped it and tried pulling it off but it wont budge. Is there something else i need to do?

2. What would be a good reccommended heatsink to use instead of the standard? I bought one and it was too big because the gaming bomb has a large power supply that gets in the way.

Many thanks.

Answer : Problem: Intel Pentium IV Standard Heatsink with Gaming Bomb.

In the post I quoted above, the op said that he had to remove the motherboard in order to properly remove/reseat the heatsink. Sometimes this is the easiest way forward: unplug everything, remove 6 - 8 screws and remove the board - then you can really see what you are doing.

If you feel confident doing that, it is probably the best way to be sure about the heatsink.

Good luck!
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