Question : Problem: Printing problem

DOS 6.22 and W95 are installed on my machine now. During 6.0
and 3.1 days, I installed and used Instant Artist, a graphics program. Using W95 and that program, I have tried to print business cards. In W95, the program window is hazy,
blurred and grayed-out. In DOS mode, the message is
"incorrect version". This quirk does not exist with other
jobs. How can this problem be corrected?

[email protected](maro)

Answer : Problem: Printing problem

  I'm going to attempt an answer here, and also address a couple of things...
   Ok, yes, Windows95 is an operating system.  That means that when it was installed, your system was upgraded from DOS 6.22 to DOS 7.0.  Yes, if Instant Artist was shortsighted enough, it won't listen to any reported version of DOS other than 6.2x, or whatever it's supposed to listen to...  Yes, going to the Windows95 Boot menu SHOULD allow you to boot to your old version of DOS which CAN effectively allow you to run your program.  If the option does not exist in the menu, then you must go to your C:\ prompt, type ATTRIB -r -h -s MSDOS.SYS  then EDIT MSDOS.SYS, and add the line BOOTMULTI=1 under [OPTIONS].  IF YOU HAVE WINDOWS 95b with FAT32 THEN NEVER, NEVER DO THIS.  From DOS, 95b reports as (using VER) Windows 95. [Version 4.00.1111]. It's really the FAT32 which causes the dual boot problem... Anyway, I digress.  Booting to your old DOS should allow you to use your program normally as before.  Another suggestion.  Make sure the in config.sys is DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\SETVER.EXE, go to DOS prompt, type C:\WINDOWS\SETVER nameofprogram 6.22 (this tells setver to report DOS 6.22 everytime that program is run.  Reboot and go to DOS mode, or go to command prompt only.  If setver is NOT in the windows directory, or not the correct version, then extract it from the windows95 CABs, say the CD is in D:, type from C:\WINDOWS, EXTRACT /A D:\WIN95\WIN95_02.CAB SETVER.EXE  This will extract the Windows95 version of setver into the Windows directory.  Be careful that other versions do not exist anyware in the search path, too.  Finally, the last suggestion, depending on what graphics mode the program uses, try this:  run the program from Windows95.  When the screen gets all fuzzy, press ALT and ENTER together.  That should make the program windowed.  It may or may not display that way.  If you are REALLY daring, hit alt enter again, and see if the display straightens out.  Good luck.
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