Question : Problem: Specify Incoming-Only/Outgoing-Onl<wbr />y with Multiple NICs?

I have, on occasion, accidentally (but fortunately) had multiple NICs (different IPs but on the same network) divide transmit tasks and receive tasks between themselves. I came across this behavior by chance when I unknowingly had both network adapters connected to the network. I would like to know how to force that behavior on a consistent basis. This is happening on a Windows XP Pro laptop. The situation is admittedly a very odd one, but I'm faced with it very often. The laptop has a single 10/100 port and a GbE USB adapter. The flow of data is primarily (but not exclusively) in the outgoing direction from an attached RAID array. I see noticeable performance gains when the heavy transmitting is done by the GbE USB adapter (responding to requests coming in on that IP) and all the receiving (initiated locally) is completely offloaded to the 10/100 adapter. All the articles I've found so far that discuss teaming/trunking have to do with failover or load balancing. I understand I would have more options available with a Server version of Windows, but that path is not available here. Has anyone worked with this before?

Answer : Problem: Specify Incoming-Only/Outgoing-Onl<wbr />y with Multiple NICs?

Since the PC are connecting to it should respond on the same NIC so nothing to do there.

To force the laptop to access through, the following should work (add from a command line):
route  -p  add  mask

I say should, because the other adapter is using a mask by default, which includes the address, but adding the static route should override it.
If you need to remove the route
route delete
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