Question : Problem: How do I diagnose connection problems and dropped signals on Linksys AP's?

I have an area where several, as many as 5 or 6, Access Point's are within 100 or so feet of each other, and I need all of them to work. They are each on a different connection (3 different dsl's and one on our corporate network). The problem, is that two of them, one on channel 6 and one on channel 11, drop out (lose the connection to the routers behind them) very frequently (Once every 2 or 3 days) and need to be reset. These two Access Points have anywhere from 25 to 100 users combined on them when in use.  They also always lose their connections to the routers at the same time. Other than the AP's being in the same room, and the routers and DSL modems being in the same closet, they are not connected in any way. Also, I only have direct control over 3 of the AP's, the other's are brought in by third parties using some of our space during event's. Is this just a bandwidth issue? A signal or Channel problem? Is there anything I can try with this equiptment other then resetting it every day or replacing it?

Answer : Problem: How do I diagnose connection problems and dropped signals on Linksys AP's?

The problem was caused by people using older wireless adapters and trying to connect to the AP's. The AP's use a WPA pass phrase, which is not supported by some older wireless cards, and was causing problems when they tried to send a WEP key instead of WPA. As I have found people using older cards I have swapped with newer ones with WPA support and the problem has been drastically reduced.
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