Question : Problem: thinkpad keyboard locks up

Hi, My boss has a thinkpad, and he says when he hits "a key" and holds it -he doesn't know which key, the keyboard locks up. It is definitely locked up right now, you can't type into an email or any other program.

The mouse works, and if I open up the control panel and go to keyboard settings, then repeat rate, and enter letters there, they enter ok, if slowly. But the keyboard wn't type anywhere else.

 He is running XP, SP2, and the keyboard is not external. Thanks!

I am going to reboot, but this is a probem he's had a few times, so any help is appreciated.

Answer : Problem: thinkpad keyboard locks up

go into the laptop BIOS and set the keyboard to NOT do any power down commands or power off -- in other words turn off ALL keyboard management of power features on the laptop -- it is his problem.
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