Question : Problem: how to format removable floppy disks

My systm is Dell 410 with Vista Ultimate. There are two CD/DVD REMOvABLE DRIVES,  E: and F: When I try to backuo to E: or F: with a clean new disk, either DVD-RW or DVD+RW.,the message, repeated 12  t
times  'there is no disk in E: or F:" Insert a new disk and try again" When I try to format a new clean disk
in either E: or F:by going from START to COMPUTER, to right click , to FORMAT, the same message appears (many times)  " There is no disk in the drive. Inseret a new clean disk and try again." E: and F:
have been successfuly used to install new programs, but for some reason E: and F: the computer fails to recognize either in backup or format commands. Please advise whatis wrong aand how to correct it.

Answer : Problem: how to format removable floppy disks

make sure you DVD drive is DVD rewritable .,try to do that with blank CD ,maybe it works fine
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