Question : Problem: using remote desktop with a dual screen setup

Hey guys,

I got a real issue here that is driving me nuts, hope you can help me out...

I have a office computer and a house computer. Both running windows XP. I just recently setup windows remote desktop service so that I can login from the house computer to the office computer. Here is my issue...

on my office computer, i have a dual screen setup. I have a ati RX300 se -pcie video card, with two 19 inch dells, max resolution that i use is 1280x1024. I have tons of desktop icons on the top of both my monitors. When I remote desktop into my office computer, I notice on my home computer that I can only see one screen. Then I come into the office the next day and all my icons are messed up from their original positions and are all on one side of the dual monitor setup.

Seems like windows remote desktop software can handle th dual screen setup. This is really annoying and its come to a point where I rather not even use it if I have to fix all my icons accordingly.

Please help me out. Is there a setting I should know about that can change this or a software that can get around this?

Please let me know.
Thanks in advance.

Answer : Problem: using remote desktop with a dual screen setup

Use console mode using the mstsc

mstsc /v: /con /w:1024  /h:768

IP followed by max screen size


mstsc /?

for more info

I hope this helps !

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