Question : Problem: How to reset a MACBOOK

Dear Experts

the daughter of our co.Owner has macbook laptop, yesterday she gave me the laptop and informed me that there is something worng with it, i check the laptop and i found that when i switch it in it's not booting, only a white screen appear in the starting and then system hanging, i thought maybe the problem is with battery, i removed the batter and connected the laptop to the direct AC power, and the problem stll that the system is not booting, and a white screen with vertial red lines appear in the screen, i informed her that it may be a probloem with an integrated circuit and i will take to the mac maintinance shop, at night i took the warranty certificate with me to the shop , and i asked the trchnitian to check the machine, he took the laptop and pressed something in the keyboard (i think he pressed 3 buttons together) and then the system start working normally, i really get wondered for that easy solution, i asked the guy what you did, he said " i just re-set the laptop" i asked him what buttons you pressd, he said no this is secret ((this Arabs way to hide the things)) then i told to her give time till tomorrow and i will get the answer, i know that in EE i will find the answer,

kindly i want to know how to reset the macbook.

thanks in advance

Answer : Problem: How to reset a MACBOOK

Have a look on following article of Apple where they "Zap the PRAM"

It works for OS 9 and earlier but also for OS X.

Kind Regards,

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