Question : Problem: How to: Striped or Concatenated RAID array in OS X (including "Macintosh HD" drive)

I jus bought a Mac Pro. The box came with a 250GB drive, and I bought a 500GB drive. The people at the Apple store were king enough to put the drive in when they were in there installing the Bluetooth and Airport modules.

I got it home, and went into the disk utility to set up the RAID. I wanted to combine the 2 Drives (250GB "Macintosh HD", and 500GB Drive2) into a striped (or at least concatenated) RAID array. When I tried dragging the drives into the list, the drives just sat where they were. I tried all combinations of right-clicking, control clicking ad nauseam, but to no avail.

What am I missing/doing wrong?

As an aside: anyone have any idea how to get the Might Mouse side button (left thumb) to go back one page in a browser? I really. really ,miss that button, and my old mouse is in use on my xp box (it don't work right in OS X anyway...).

Answer : Problem: How to: Striped or Concatenated RAID array in OS X (including "Macintosh HD" drive)

My guess is that you can't do that while booted from one of the drives you are trying to combine. I suspect you have to run Disk Utility while booted from your OS X CD. (Boot while holding down the C key, then select Disk Utility from one of the menues once booted.) I also suspect that doing this will completely erase both drives and you will have to then to a re-install from scratch.

I also have my doubts as to whether you can stripe when the two drives are different sizes.
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