Question : Problem: Hi-Def TV attached to computer has distortion and fuzziness.

I have a Panasonic TBM2AX08001 Hi-Def TV hooked to a laptop's display output set to mirror the image on the laptop's screen. The display on the hi-def tv does not look very good when hooked to the laptop. It has horizontal lines that wiggle back and forth slightly and pretty much distort anything that comes onto the screen. Most things with larger text are still somewhat readable, but small text isn't.

I attached a few movie clips that show the distortion better than i could capture it with a camera.

As far as connections go, we have the laptop's VGA port hooked to a GigaWare TV converter box that changes the connection to HDMI, which then feeds to the TV.

Answer : Problem: Hi-Def TV attached to computer has distortion and fuzziness.

You may lose some resolution with svideo but if you can go straight to the TV without the converter then I would test it.  I am not a fan of those converter boxes as I have had mutiple issues with them as well.
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