Question : Problem: Netgear Wireless Adapter Gone to Crap (low signal strength, slow speed, cut-offs)

I sit here with a desktop and a laptop. The laptop has a built-in wireless. The desktop has this netgear thing plugged into a USB port.

The wireless router is on the second floor beneath me.

The laptop gets a signal great. Zippy speed. No problems.

Recently, the desktop suffers from frequent drop outs and very slow speed. The connection icon indicates 'low signal strength.' It really sucks.

It seems to have gotten progressively worse as time has gone on.

I tried to get new drivers to see if that would help, but the files the jackballs at netgear have setup are full of suckage (corrupt).

Anyway, any ideas on the solutions since it's likely not the router?

Possible hint - the adapter was really hot when I pulled it out of the desktop.

Answer : Problem: Netgear Wireless Adapter Gone to Crap (low signal strength, slow speed, cut-offs)

I hate to state the obvious but, replace the adapter.  At least test another one to see how it performs and/or try that one in another computer.
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