Question : Problem: I need to disable network access for 1 user who logs in through Citrix.

We have a remote computer at a vendors office that populates data to an excel sheet on our server so that we can verify the data (for quality control).  This user is logging in through Citrix to access the excel file.  We need to make sure that they can't browse or type in UNC paths to anywhere else on our network.  This is a 2003 Active Directory domain.  How would we accomplish this?  Thank you in advance!

Answer : Problem: I need to disable network access for 1 user who logs in through Citrix.

What we did to fix this was to create a startup script for the OU that we put this user in and it removed all the mappings to our network drives.  Then through GP we took away the run dialog box and the network neighborhood, etc...  The only remaining concern I have is if they typed in a UNC path (which is highly unlikely but could happen).  I have no way to prevent that.  Thanks!
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