Question : Problem: Ubuntu xterm - missing scrollback and cant copy text from xterm to other apps


When using xterm there is no scrollback in the window. Is this configurable?
Also, when I select text in an xterm-window (left-mouse) I can paste it in the same window again (middle-mouse). However, the selection cant be pasted into another desktop applikation in ubuntu (ie an text editor). Am I missing something.

I use xterm from an router simulation software. The execute-string which is the default value looks like this:
xterm -T %d -e 'telnet %h %p' >/dev/null 2>&1 &

Br Jimmy

Answer : Problem: Ubuntu xterm - missing scrollback and cant copy text from xterm to other apps

to enable scrolling, please use the xterm options '-sb' to allow scrolling and eventually '-sl [# of lines to save]' if the default of 64 line is not sufficient.
Regarding the 'mouse' thing I'll have to do some research.
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