Question : Problem: SCCM 2007 Agent Check for Health

Hi guys,
Im no guru on SCCM 2007, but we have a need to develop a script that will:

1) Read a list of computers from a text file
2) Query each computer in the text file, and check to see if the sccm agent is healthy. I dont know what check to perform here, but some script that will check the health status of the sccm 2007 agent on these machines.

Any help greatly appreciated.

Answer : Problem: SCCM 2007 Agent Check for Health

Not sure about a script as i am unsure what properties would accurately monitor the agent health but this might help..

What you really need to do to chekc the health of an SCCM agent is make sure it is talking with its management point in the C:\WINNT\system32\CCM\Logs\clientlocation.log.

If there are no errors in there and there is communication with the management point then the agent should be working fine
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