Question : Problem: iMac & Windows does not recognize wireless Mighty Mouse

After installing Windows XP Pro SP2 on iMac Tiger 10.4.8 then MAC Windows drivers, Windows would not recognize wireless Mighty Mouse or wireless keyboard. I had to use USB mouse whenever running windows. Reinstalled MAC Windows driver, but never saw entry for Mouse - only Bluetooth & Keyboard.

Removed USB mouse as soon as installation started, but had to reinstall to respond to dialog boxes.

How do I get Windows to see wireless Mighty Mouse and wireless keyboard?

p.s. I used Boot Camp 1.2 for install of WIN XP Pro SP2 - siearch of internet for relevant drivers was not fruitful.

Answer : Problem: iMac & Windows does not recognize wireless Mighty Mouse

Well, I have nothing defintitive but did find some hints that may help.One user says his mouse wasn;t recognized until he made xp search for it. Another says he "I got mine to work using passcode: 0000
It pairs up fine, but the right click is really shotty (I have to power cycle the mouse to get it to come back in BootCamp).Hope this helps!"
Another said, "I didn't use a passkey to pair my MM - I selected the 'don't use a passkey' option.
As for BT management, sometimes I've had the icon in the system tray but it's not always visible so to pair the mouse I went thru the control panel to set up the pairing. Initially my macbook didn't see or recognise the mouse so I gave up. I tried it again shortly after and again it didn't show up in the list of devices but I got called away for about 10-15mins and when I got back the mouse had been recognised and then I managed to get it paired.As has been mentioned about the right click - I've had the same problems sometimes it will take a good few clicks for it to work and there is a very slight delay (longer than a 'normal' mouse I reckon) for the menu to appear on screen.I also noticed that my mouse doesn't appear to use Apple drivers.... In the device manager my mouse is just listed as a bluetooth HID mouse and all the drivers are provided by microsoft... "

These last two quotes were in a discussion thread
Another discussion:
We had to tell the system to search for the mouse over the Bluetooth connection again, but it recognized it with no trouble. We could even use Windows' standard mouse button control software to tweak its settings. It didn't seem to support the lateral and diagonal scrolling features of the Mighty Mouse's scrollwheel, but otherwise, its features were fully functional. We had less luck with a Bluetooth-equipped Dell Latitude D810 laptop. The Dell's Bluetooth software found the mouse and even recognized it by name, but the Mighty Mouse was never able to assume control of the cursor. Apple advised us that the Mighty Mouse was meant to be used with a Mac, and it appears that its advice was correct.
Another user says "Setting up the Wireless Mighty Mouse to work with Boot Camp In order to get the Wireless Mighty Mouse to work with Windows XP running under Boot Camp, you must first turn on Bluetooth, then go to the Windows XP Control Panel and select "Bluetooth Devices." Click "Add..." then the option that reads "My device is setup and ready to be found," then the "Next" button.

So there are some hints. I know from my experience with the apple  wireless mouse(not mighty) that even with Mac I often had to wave the mouse around near the reciever while trying to pair and right when I was getting anoyed it would suddenly work. Alsomake sure no cordlessphones are stepping on the bluetooth bandwidth. Hope some of this will help.

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