Question : Problem: How to install Radeon 9200 video card

The user has a garden variety IBM desktop computer 2-3 yrs. old running XP Pro.  I got them a Radeon 9200 PCI card that we want to use vs. the onboard video.  I installed the card, and when I power up the computer, I get one long beep and two short beeps (sounds like BIOS beeps).  It then came on up into XP, with my monitor connected to the onboard video.  It asked for the driver CD, and while going thru the install, the video blanked out, so I could see no video on either monitor,and I had to power down the computer.  Since that time I have tried several other things:

--Removed the card, did a system restore (since I was not sure where things stood due to my powering it down), rebooted, and then tried to figure out a way to load the drivers from the CD with no luck.

--Told control panel to disable the onboard video.

--Installed another identical new card, and it did the same thing--including the strange BIOS beeps.

--Checked the bios, and it says that it is supposed to start up with a PCI-based video card if installed.

--Tried using a different PCI slot.

I never get any video out of the new card.

These cards are new, from an eBay seller with a very high score, and they do look legit with the exception of a bit of misspelling on the very brief docs.  In other words, I guess they could be bogus.

Any suggestions on what to try?  TIA

Answer : Problem: How to install Radeon 9200 video card

Can you also disable the onboard video in the BIOS?  

The other thing to note, is what size of power supply does your system have, and what are the power requirements of your Radeon?

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