Question : Problem: Network Card on Sony Vaio laptop
I have a Sony Vaio laptop (2 years old) that has an Intel network card. I was attempting to install a application client software (MS CRM) and worked with a microsoft technician. He changed many setting in my network settings, DSN, gateway and basically made it a manually configured IP address that only works when I am connected to the domain (which does not work too well when I want to take the laptop anywhere else)
My question is: how can I change it back from manually configured to using DHCP to acquire the IP address dynamically. If I got to my TCP/IP setting, under properties, the Properties and Uninstall buttons are grayed out. If I click on Install, it gives me an error message that states: you need to install a proctocol but if I try to install any of them, it states that the that the connection cannot be made.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks Dave
Answer : Problem: Network Card on Sony Vaio laptop
Ok, hope that fixes it. If not, you should uninstall the Ethernet driver from Device Manager and restart.