Question : Problem: PDF files are too large

I have scanned from the the Brother scanner documents to a PDF file like passport/driver license and MS Word docs (3pages), and they resulted TOO LARGE.

I need these to be to under 100K and still be sharp.  I have seen other similar PDF's and they are very small.

The original 3page agreement is is MS Word is is just 103K. The PDF scanned verion is 1341K.

I have also attached the scanner settings.

Please assist.

Answer : Problem: PDF files are too large


There are 2 things to consider.

First your comparison maybe flawed on the basis that your PDF contains 3 full page images and a 100k or less PDF certainly will not be images but text & objects. Acrobat can compress text and objects in much more efficient ways than images.

The image compression of your files can be adjusted using the PDF Optimizer tool from the Tools menu.
You can set the compression for the file itself and for scanned pages. With still good readability I compressed your file to 241k using 96dpi for images and the medium slider settings on scanned pages, but you may want to play around with the settings to find a better balance. (SEE attached)

The only way you can get down to Word (equivalent PDF will be smaller) sizes is to use digital signature and for  you to dispense with scanned images altogether, but this may not be workable.

241k compressed
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