Question : Problem: Copied Hard Drive will not boot

I copied my hard drive using Ghost 10.0. When I start my PC (XP Pro) using the copied hard drive it freezes just before the Welcome Screen. It goes through the Splash Screen without a problem and just as the Welcome Screen starts to appear it freezes just before the point where it would show the users.


Answer : Problem: Copied Hard Drive will not boot

If the disk has been seen/used by XP previously, XP will try to assign an inccorect drive letter to the "new" disk.  XP assigns the drive letter it previously used.  You can clear the DiskID/signature of a drive, by using this utility:

Download this .ISO and burn it (as an image, not as data) to a CD.
Boot to the CD. You will see "Press any key to rewrite MBR". Press a key and you will be instructed to "Press ENTER to reboot" so remove the CD and press ENTER. Your computer should boot to WinXP.

More info and background info on this problem here:

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