Question : Problem: Veritas Backup Exec 9.1: Jobs stay in queue and toggle between queued/running - but never run
Veritas Backup Exec 9.1: Jobs stay in queue and toggle between queued/running - but never run. Can't figure out which patch would help or if it is a driver issue. Running on a 8 month old Dell Poweredge 400 server, W2k w/ active directory, IDE hard drive, with an IDE Sony SDX-420C tape drive. Also notice that the tape drive serial number is not being read correctly. Have reinstalled a clean 9.1 plus SP1 and it worked well until a job timed out because the user did not swap in a useable tape. Tape device is enabled. Would much rather give an update/patch/fix instead of wiping again and facing same problem 1 week from now. Thanks, John
Answer : Problem: Veritas Backup Exec 9.1: Jobs stay in queue and toggle between queued/running - but never run
Vertias BE 9,1 and older versions seem to have trouble recognizing the tapes in a Sony, so the backups never get to run. If you manually run a backup job, you will see an error like "tape full" or cannot read tape, or something like that. If you do a quick format of the tape, it will almost always work, so the solution for automated jobs is to set the backup job to erase the tape before backing up. THat should solve the problem, and I'm sure a program patch will eventually fix it, but you have almost the latest right now, by the sound of it.