Are you getting this error from the PC itself or from the package status on the server?
You start with an unique source directory on the sms server. When you make a distribution point for the package, it copies the source directory to the package share, which will have the package id in it. Example:
If the source directory is updated, renamed or removed, SMS will usually throw a fit. If it is updated, you need to update all DPs. If renamed, you must update the package source path within the package settings.
I would make a new install directory and a new package. Give the folder a unique name, such as "fubu" and place your files there. After building the package, add a distribution point to the package and then update the DP. Your package "fubu" should then copy to a folder like this:
This is what the client sees when your push arrives to it.
You want to keep your source directories clean, unique and informative, such as:
Having a directory called "SMS Push", if used by more then 1 program, would be extremely "bad". You need unique directories like Program1, Program2, etc.