Question : Problem: VPN -- Over cisco router or dell server running windows 2003

Need expert advice here.  I have a wide area network containing 3 cisco 1811 dual wan routers all VPN'd to the Corp. office.  I also have 3 DC's that replicate to the primary master at the Corp. office as well.  Question is: I want to setup some kind of VPN for the home users.  What would be the best way to set this up at the Corp. office?  

(A) Should I use the Cisco 1811 Dual WAN router for this?  If so what would be the best way?
(B) Should I use the Primary master DC for this?  If so what would be the best way?

To give you some more info on the router -- I have 2 different ISP's connected to this dual wan router.  One of the  IPS's is the primary route.  The other is for the office tunnels and failover for the internet.


Answer : Problem: VPN -- Over cisco router or dell server running windows 2003

Apologies for the late response.
What IOS are you running on the 1811's ? - depends how many tunnels it will run - Post a "show version" would help.
Setting up the router as a vpn server does not make it less secure, as long as it's properly configured.
It's probably a matter of preference for most, server people may say it's better to setup a server to do it, but IMHO I prefer to terminate a vpn on a router/firewall.
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