Question : Problem: VPN FIREWALL solutions

I need to set up a remote office for three employees. These employees computer were configured to domain and will be moved to the remote office. The primary office is conneted the internet with a business class cable internet, the remote office will also have business class cable internet.   They need to be able to access our network and resources(mapped drives, printer, proprietary software). I think i have seen VPN solutions in the past that would auth at the perimeter without modification on the server.   Can someone offer suggestions on a product with a gui interface for configuration.  If i left out important details please ask, or if you see roadblock or other issues i may have accounted for please free to elaborate.   I would like to keep the solution to a budget of ~$500

Answer : Problem: VPN FIREWALL solutions

I was going to suggest a Watchguard, but then I saw your budget...

They've got a great interface and most allow for BOVPN's (or just a standard VPN in general) -  they can be pricey. But they'll do everything your looking for.

Check the X-Edge series out...they start at $419


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