Question : Problem: CPU running at 100%

Can anyone tell me why my CPU constantly runs ay 100%


Answer : Problem: CPU running at 100%

Start -> run -> regedit
and then:
go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - Software - Distributed Computing Technologies Inc.  and it will be something like C:\ Windows\ System32\iosdt\iosdt.exe
1. turn off system restore - right click on my computer->properties->system restore and turn if off.

2. search your entire system for iosdt - you should find an iosdt folder in the system32 folder and a couple .pf files in your winnt\Prefetch folder.  DELETE all of these entries.

3. start regedit (advanced user feature be very careful you can corrupt your entire system installation by making mistakes in the regeditor) - Once in regedit do a complete registry scan for iosdt.
(a) You should find an entry in the services section of the hklm - system - controlset# - services section for dcnet and under that key will be the entry to launch the iosdt.exe client application.  DELETE the entire DCNET key if iosdt.exe is the only application launhed.  If these are other applications then just delete the iosdt.exe entry from the registry.  You may find this in more then one registry location.  Delete all of them.
(b) You should also find a key for Distributed Network Technologies in you hklm - software section.  Delete the ENTIRE key if iosdt.exe is the only application installed.  Otherwise, just delete the iosdt.exe key entry.
Basically on some systems the DCNET service might be running logitamate applications and I don't want to have you arbitrarily delete the entire keys.  However, in some cases this might be okay if you have the ability to know what DCNET applications your are running and can re-install them.  Then completelt blowing anything related to DCNET out of the registry would probably not be a bad idea.
Close the regedit app.

4. reboot your machine

5. turn system restore back on

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