Question : Problem: Tcl/Tk scripting for VHDL models
Hello, I need one or two examples in tcl/tk scripting for testing vhdl model.The model can be a halfadder,multiplexer or any small sequential circuits.Can anyone help me.
Answer : Problem: Tcl/Tk scripting for VHDL models
Ok, first of all you have to execute a simulation. In the wave window, after you configured everything, save the format of the window and signals in "wave.do" file (it is the fastest way to write the wave.do file).
Create a macro file "mymacro.do" containing:
quit -sim vcom file1.vhd vcom file2.vhd vcom file3.vhd vcom top.vhd vcom testbench.vhd vsim work.testbench view wave do wave.do run -all
Then in Modelsim console execute the macro with the following command:
do mymacro.do
Maybe you would need to customize further the script...