Question : Problem: RAMBUS Memory


I'm working on an old Gateway computer for a friend. I wanted to upgrade his memory, he currently has 256mb and wanted to upgrade him to 1GB. I started doing some research and he needs 184dim but with RAMBUS. His motherboard only supports that type of RAM. I would like to know where to find RAM such as this. I'm going to post links below to his type of computer and RAM. I'm also going to upload a picture of his current RAM.

Motherboard specs (please note that they don't mention about RAMBUS memory):

Answer : Problem: RAMBUS Memory

Ouch.  your in for a world of expensive memory.  Rambus is not cheap.  you can get them on emay probably cheapest.  Newegg does NTO sell rambus, else id recommend them.  You can get what you need here as well:

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