Question : Problem: Network Teaming will not work anymore

I recently built a new computer.

Mobo: ASUS Striker Extreme (has dual 10/100/1000 LAN ports)
OS: Win XP Pro
Graphics Card: 8800 GTX Running force ware 97.92
2GB Corsair RAM

I used to be able to Team my network adapters using the nvidia control panel. That was when I first started using my computer. It worked fine for a while then right around the time I added a second user account it started acting funny. Like when I switched accounts I would have to 'Re-team' the adapters.

Now I cant do it at all.
Inside the control panel there are 2 radial buttons. one is "do not combine adapters" and the other is "combine my adapters" but the latter is grayed out and under the description it says "Teaming is not allowed because VLAN is enabled or the settings of the nvidia Ethernet interfaces are not identical. To enable teaming go to the network control panel and make sure VLAN is disabled and the Ethernet interfaces have identical configurations"

I have never used VLAN nor do I ever intend to. I checked that first.

The configurations are as identical as can be and I have tried both static and dynamic IP settings.

I have uninstalled the drivers for both cards and re-installed updated drivers and original drivers.

I have uninstalled and re-installed nvidia control panel as well as doing an update to the latest version.

I have tried teaming while both adapters are connected to the switch and disconnected.

Any help would be appreciated. Nvidia tells me outright they do not support the nvidia control panel and is provided "as is"....

ASUS will not even issue a response after an entire month and after 6 repeated attempts to get any kind of tech support with the issue.

Please help

Answer : Problem: Network Teaming will not work anymore

Teaming does only work if configuration settings for teaming exist on siwtch/router (often called Link Aggregation). Otherwise, the switch/router get's confiused. He is the one who must distribute the traffic over all connected links, and does not know where to send packets. Link aggregation builds one virtual MAC address for all links together, and the switch table does have more than one entry for the same MAC.

If your router does not provide you with any option related, you should not use link aggregation, you only get mysterious results.
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