Question : Problem: AD enquiry

I would like to make some enquiry regarding the AD.

If someone other than the IT dept staff with good IT knowledge, who know how to install the adminpak tool, and who also know how to check the domain controller hostname or IP. Am i right to said that the person will be able to browse/list what's in store in the AD?

Is there anyway to control this? whereby the person is not able to view the AD content even the person manage to install the adminpak or know the domain controller hostname/IP.

Thanks alot for any advice.

Answer : Problem: AD enquiry

Laura is correct as usual,

the only thing I'd add is you can also use group policy to restrict what snap-ins the user can run.  You can also restrict access to the command line.  There are ways to lock the normal curious user down.

If you want more info on restricting the snap-ins take a look here:

See section titled:  Restricting Access to a List of Permitted Snap-ins



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