Question : Problem: BlackBerry 7290 - single user - T-Mobile - email sync and reconcile with Outlook 2003

Single user with new BlackBerry 7290 with T-Mobile service.
Outlook 2003 on desktop with all latest patches.
7290 just updated to software (latest available for T-Mobile) and
Desktop manager just updated to software.
No Exchange Server or BES server.  This is a single user, one person business.

We are successfully sending and receiving emails on the BlackBerry and Outlook.  However, after being on the road (and receiving, replying, deleting, moving emails etc) and returning to the office... we then face the task of reconciling all the emails.

At this point we are syncing calendar and address book fine... i.e. calendar changes made on desktop show up on laptop and vice verson, as well as changes in address book.  

However, emails are not syncing, or reconciling... which leaves us with a very time consuming process to clean up.

1) Should we be able to sync and reconcile emails in this scenario with the software listed above?
2) Do we need additional software - and if so, what?
3) I have heard and seen some postings about "redirector" software but not sure if that is the missing link here, or how it would be applied.   Any clarification on that would be greatly appreciated.


Answer : Problem: BlackBerry 7290 - single user - T-Mobile - email sync and reconcile with Outlook 2003

Will answer my own question.   After being misled by a T-Mobile support rep, the real answer is that this cannot be done.   Another T-Mobile rep and I conferenced with RIM/BlackBerry support and got the real answer...   which is something like this...

A single user can can sync address book, calendar and maybe a few other things... but NOT the inbox.

To sync the inbox you need: a running Exchange Server and BES software (~$1500+).

All email accounts you want to be synced have to be forwarded into the BlackBerry email Account.

Please feel free to add on to this thread any additional information that may be helpful.  
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