Question : Problem: Remote Desktop not working on one workstation

We have one workstation that seems to have stopped letting the user remote into it from his home. This computer was working as of last week and now it will not work. Below is the error he is receiving. I am able to remote into it via the LAN. I have tried to remote into it using a laptop and wireless broadband card but still will not work. With the same laptop connection I can remote into many other computers but not this one.

"The client could not connect to the remote computer.
Remote connections might not be enabled or the computer might be too busy to accept new connections.
It is possible network problems are preventing your connection."

Any idea what might be the issue?

Answer : Problem: Remote Desktop not working on one workstation

When you ping the machine by computername, does it resolve it to an IP at the top, when it cant reach it? Maybe there is a DNS cached entry on the machine on the outside network that has an invalid entry?

On the problem machine....


ipconfig /flushdns

Then reping it by name, to see if the address has been resolved differently..
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