Question : Problem: Computer won't come on..

My friend can't get his computer to come on. I opened the tower up and turned the power on in the back. I noticed a green light comes on, on the mother board. I figured that would exclude the power supply malfunctioning..? Everything inside looked fine.

When I press the power button in the front of the tower, at most the red light gives a little flicker if at all. None of the fans come on either.

Any ideas on what to look at?

Answer : Problem: Computer won't come on..

For generic trouble shooting, these are some things that can prevent bootup:
- motherboard shorting on case
- CMOS jumper set to CLEAR, instead of NORMAL position
- bad connections
- faulty or inadequate power supply
- bad RAM
- faulty video card
- bad cpu
- bad motherboard

If no one installed any hardware or opened the case recently, you can eliminate the first three (well, check the cables, in case something is loose).  Strip down the pc to the bare essentials: install one stick of RAM, the cpu, and the video card, and reset the BIOS.  Do not include hard disks, other PCI cards, or other peripherals.
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