Question : Problem: Citrix ICA file and Nfuse

Hoping this is an easy answer, but since I am a Citrix noob I need some help.  I just reinstalled Citrix and Nfuse from scratch.  I have the Desktop application published as the only app right now and everything works fine locally through a web browser.  My problem occurs when I go outside the network and hit the public website.  I can sign in and its shows my Desktop app, but when I click it it says "no server configured on this IP address".  I had done the "altaddr" command but still have no luck getting this to lunch.  The ICA file is trying to say that the server is configured for ip address 192.168.xx.xx but i need it to say 204.95.yyy.yyy for my public address.  I am sure this is easy but what am I missing.  

Answer : Problem: Citrix ICA file and Nfuse

You need to edit your DMZ settings.  

It has been a while since I've used nFuse, and I can't remember exactly where the configuration is.

I believe you access the site by going to

There you'll see settings for DMZ, typically you'll set the default address as translated, then make an exception for your internal networks to point to the internal address.

Maybe there's a link to the admin page for nFuse if you go to the programs folder...been a while, maybe someone else can give you more direct instructions.

...I still want some of the points though :)
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