Question : Problem: DVR wont initialise

This may be out of bounds as the problem with a Digital Video Recorder for security camera's however I have opened it up and is the same as a computer really - motherboard, master and slave hard disks and removable drive bay.

Anyway, when I plug in and plug out the device its supposed to go through an 'initialisation procedure'. This involves lighting all 16 camera feed LED's one-by-one, and eventually giving a user interface display.

However, it only gets as far as 7 before it reboots itself and starts all over again.

I have tried switching the hard disks from primary to slave and vice versa but to no avail.
I have tried resetting the bios by removing the battery and putting it in again after an hour but to no avail

Anyone know if this type of thing is hard-disk or motherboard or something else related?

Answer : Problem: DVR wont initialise

That unit looks like a embedded system based DVR which means that beyond hard drives you cannot really do anything with it.  Your best bet would be to contact the manufacturer or the people who sold it to you for service.

It may be something as simple as the video processing circuit for the 7th or 8th  input is shot and causing enough of a problem to force the reboot.  With any luck it is repairable or still under warranty. I would not mention you have opened it up.

These type of DVR do not fail to start from hard drive failures.  The system only uses the hard drive for storage of video.  The operating system is built into the motherboard.

Here's a link to the manufacturer,
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