Question : Problem: Laptop does not boot-up after a reboot following installtion of software

Hi I have a an old IPC Powernote A laptop, which has been brought in to have the operating re-installed I have come across a  strange problem. On installing the operating system or in fact any software that requires a reboot, the laptop will not reboot, and appears to hang with nothing showing on the screen, the fans are going and the power light is on but nothing happens. Now if I then turn the machine off for 20 minutes or so and the switch it on it boots up fine and I can conitinue from where I left off. any ideas what this could be? I'm suspecting that it may be a failing motherboard, but any help would be graetly appreciated in resolving this - Jag

Answer : Problem: Laptop does not boot-up after a reboot following installtion of software

Appologies for the delay in replyng, have run it in safe mode for a while and then tried to reboot, and it hung as it has been doing.  booted up fine after I left it for 40 minutes. Have checked the start up options in msconfig settings and there is nothing untoward Have advised customer and she is happy to perservere  withis it intil it dies completely as its quite an old machine.

how do you want me to distribute the points on this question, I think everybody helped in resolving it.

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