Question : Problem: remove soldered led from circuit board

I am trying to replace an led on a scsi raid board for my server. I have removed the dead led and I have another salvage board with the same led. I am having trouble removing the replacement led without breaking it. There are a dozen or so and i have gone through 3 or 4 already.  I have a pencil soldering iron, solder braid and siphon. Appreciate suggestions on how to get both leads of the led loose at the same time and also on how to avoid overheating the led.
Thanks in advance.

Answer : Problem: remove soldered led from circuit board

I use a heat gun for this purpose.  Get one that is designed for heating circuit boards or one at a hardware store that is used to "sweat" copper pipes or to strip paint.  This will heat up a fairly large section of the old PCB but since you're scrapping it anyway it doesn't matter.

I just heat the side away from the component (if it's a through-hole design) while gently pulling on the part with a pair of hemostats or pliers.  Regardless of how many pins the device has, this method will get them all freed from the solder at the same time.
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